Firearm/Law Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How old do I have to be to apply for a Nevada Concealed Handgun License?
21 years of age or older – Click Here for NRS
Can I Open Carry in Nevada?
Nevada has no laws and NEVER had any laws on open carry of firearms. Anyone over the age of 18 that is legally able to possess a firearm may open carry without a permit. This includes ALL of Nevada. No county or city may create their own law per SB175. That includes North Las Vegas.
Can I carry a knife concealed?
12.04.180 – Concealed weapons prohibited without permit. – It is unlawful, within the unincorporated area of Clark County, for any person to carry upon his person a concealed weapon, not permitted in accordance with state law, of any description, including a knife with a blade of three inches or more, capable of being concealed, without first having received written permission therefor from the sheriff.
Can I drink alcohol while carrying a firearm in Nevada?
Per NRS 202.257 one may not possess a firearm with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher. You may drink alcohol and patronize a bar while in possession of a firearm. **Please use proper judgement when consuming alcohol and carrying a firearm.**
Which places am I not allowed to carry concealed in Nevada?
Per NRS 202.265 one may not have a firearm anywhere on the property of a University, School, or child care facility. Also, per NRS 393.410 loitering near school grounds with a dangerous weapon carries a greater penalty than loitering near school grounds without a weapon.
Per NRS 218A.905, section 8– one may not possess a firearm in the legislative building nor in any other place where the legislature is conducting its business.
Per NRS 202.3673 people with concealed carry permits may not carry a concealed firearm into government buildings on public airport property or any government buildings with metal detectors or signs saying no guns are permitted.
What is considered a Public Building?
According to NRS 202.3673, section 6 “Public building” means any building or office space occupied by:
(1) Any component of the Nevada System of Higher Education and used for any purpose related to the System; or
(2) The Federal Government, the State of Nevada or any county, city, school district or other political subdivision of the State of Nevada and used for any public purpose.
Why can Concealed Handgun License application be denied?
1. Has an outstanding warrant for his or her arrest.
2. Has been judicially declared incompetent or insane.
3. Has been voluntarily or involuntarily admitted to a mental health facility during the immediately preceding 5 years.
4. Has been habitually using intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance to the extent that his or her normal faculties are impaired. Such use is presumed if, during the immediately preceding 5 years, the applicant or permittee has been convicted of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance or has been ordered by a court to enter a program for treatment of drug or alcohol abuse
5. Has been convicted of a crime involving the use or threatened use of force or violence punishable as a misdemeanor under the laws of this State or any other state, territory or possession of the United States at any time during the immediately preceding 3 years.
6. Has been convicted of a felony in this State or under the laws of any state, territory or possession of the United States.
7. Has been convicted of a crime involving domestic violence or stalking, or is currently subject to a restraining order, injunction or other order for protection against domestic violence.
8. Is currently on parole or probation from a conviction obtained in this State or in any other state or territory or possession of the United States.
9. Has, within the immediately preceding 5 years, been subject to any requirements imposed by a court of this State or any other state or territory or possession of the United States, as a condition to the court’s withholding the entry of judgment for a conviction of a felony or the court’s suspending a sentence for the conviction of a felony.
10. Has made a false statement on any application for a permit or for the renewal of a permit.
Click Here for NRS
Do I need to register my firearms?
As of June 2, 2015…. Per SB175 all local laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances are null and void. These laws cannot be enforced. Handguns DO NOT have to be registered anymore in Clark County. In other words…. NO MORE BLUE CARDS.
Can I carry a switchblade knife in Nevada?
SB 176 – Allows for possessions of switchblades knives, authorized belt buckles knives AND preempts counties and municipalities from passing laws knife laws.
What does “concealed weapon” mean?
Per NRS 202.350, Section 8, a – “Concealed weapon” means a weapon described in this section that is carried upon a person in such a manner as not to be discernible by ordinary observation.
Can I carry onto private property?
If a PRIVATE business (Retail store, Doctor’s office, restaurants, casino, etc….) has a NO FIREARMS sign on the front doors/entrance, it holds NO legal weight. The prohibited locations only refer to PUBLIC buildings. However, if your firearm is exposed for whatever reason and you are asked to leave, you must do so or you can be cited/charged with trespassing. (NRS 207.200)
Which state current recognize a Nevada Concealed Handgun License?
As a resident of Nevada, the following state recognized a Nevada Handgun License, as of January 1, 2021, this list is subject to change at any time: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
***It is your responsibility to confirm that each state you travel to recognizes your Nevada Handgun License and what the laws are in that state.***